Last updated


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


Sandbox : 14/01/2025 - Prod : 15/01/2025

Onboarding / Endusers

  • Get User by External ID : You can now GET your users by their externalId
  • Get Corporate-related entity : You can now GET corporate-related entities with only the corporateRelatedId, no need to provide the corporateId


  • Beneficairy name minimal length : Beneficiary name property must now be at least 3 characters long. Anyway we fully encourage you to get the full actual name of the beneficiary to enhance compliance process and be ready for Payee Verification


  • New Card Rule types : New card rule types are now available to configure on your cards and card profiles, to give your more control on the card spending :
    • Ecommerce transactions, recurring transactions and Contactless transactions can now be disabled in Card Rules
    • Whitelist/Blacklist of MCC, MerchantID and Days can be added in the Card Rules


  • Transaction Receipt : You can now request a PDF transaction receipt for any transaction. This will indicate transaciton details and can be provided to the endusers
  • Card Clearings orginal transaction date Fix : Original transaction date indiciated in CARD_CLEARING transactions was sometimes incorrect. This is now fixed


  • Account Funding card transactions fix : ACCOUNT_FUNDING card transactions are now properly identified as Debit transactions
  • List Documents fix : transactionId and beneficiaryId filters in List Document endpoint are now fixed


Sandbox : 13/11/2024 - Prod : 21/11/2024


  • Added the 3dsAuthenticationMethod field to the cardDetails object of a card transaction
  • Added the acquirerReferenceData field to the information object of a transaction
  • interchangeFeeAmount and interchangeFeeCurrency fields added to a transaction's information object, valued only in the case of card clearing


  • Avoiding duplicate beneficiaries : the api better manages the presence of spaces in the iban when adding a beneficiary.
  • Beneficiary id in document : Added support for associating documents with a beneficiary, with validation of membership of the user account. Linked documents now display their beneficiaryId, and a filter is available to make it easier to find them.


Sandbox : 23/10/2024 - Prod : --/10/2024

Onboarding / Endusers

  • List Documents filter on transaction : Documents can now be filtered on transactionId in the List Document endpoint


  • INTER_LEDGER payload : bic & iban fields are now displayed for sender and receiver in INTER_LEDGER transaction payload
  • Store Card for Topup transactions : storeCard can now be used with Topup acquiring transactions too
  • Fix : Direct Acquiring timeouts : Declined transaction on Direct Acquring (using external cards) and now handled properly


  • IP Whitelisting : Partners IP can now be whitelisted. Please contact LinkCy if you want to enable IPs whitelisting.
  • New Tool Endpoint: Get BIC from IBAN : BIC can now be retrieved from IBAN


Sandbox : 21/10/2024 - Prod : 23/10/2024

Onboarding / Endusers

  • Delegated KYC: onboardingCountry enum : onboardingCountry field in Delegated KYC is now an ENUM instead of a free field


  • New Type filter : Cards can now be filtered by type (Virtual/Physical) in the List Cards endpoint


  • Acquiring Page duration : Acquiring Hosted pages are now valid for 24H instead of 1H


  • Various improvments and fixes


Sandbox : 19/09/2024 - Prod : 19/09/2024

Onboarding / Endusers

  • Mandatory Compliance fields : Compliance fields are now mandaotry for a consumer to be onboarded succesfully : sourceOfFunds, occupation, accountPurposes, expectedMonthlyExpenses. If not provided, enduser will have a MISSING_DATA Linkcy status
  • Delegated KYC: Selfie document : A Selfie document is now required for all delegated KYC. This document must be uploaded with SELFIE type, and its id given in the delegated KYC creation (selfieId).
  • Delegated KYC: birthPlace optionnal : birthPlace field is now optionnal in delegated KYC creation. Nevertheless, it must be filled when available.
  • Documents related to a Transaction : Documents can now be uploaded with an associated transactionId. To be used when document is related to a transaction, like transaction receipts or invoices.
  • New Document Request feature : Documents can now be created with a REQUESTED status. A DOCUMENT_REQUESTED webhook is sent. This indicate that this document type is required and has to be uploaded, using the Upload a document endpoint and providing the documentId.


  • Add suspension history : All the past card suspensions are now listed in the suspensionsInformation array in the card object. This is not retroactive.
  • Update 3DSecure phone : It is now possible to change the phone number registered for 3DS Authentication. This can be done with the "Update a card" endpoint. This allows Corporate endusers to have dedicated cards for their employees with the correct phone number for 3DS.


  • Acquiring Redirect URL : redirectUrl field is now optionnal for acquiring transactions. If empty, a standard LinkCy page will be used to redirect user after the transaction completion.


  • New Document type : DIRECT_DEBIT_MANDATE document type is now available. It allows to upload a signed mandate for SEPA Direct Debit transactions
  • New Tool Endpoint: Get BIC from IBAN : BIC can now be retrieved from IBAN (Not working yet)


Sandbox : 28/08/2024 - Prod : 02/09/2024

:::warning Breaking Change

This version introduce a breaking change. See Direct Debit Transaction request fields update for more details



  • Default nameOnCard Fix : Default nameOnCard was sometime incorrect, gender indicator was included by mistake.
  • Card address refinement Fix : The address refinement field was not sent properly to the card manufacturer.


  • Direct Debit Transaction request fields : ledgerId field in the "Create a direct debit transaction" request is replaced by ledgerToId field.
  • SEPA Transaction : new decline reasons : Decline reasons have been added to SEPA transaction for rejected transaction : REJECTED_COMPLIANCE_REASON, REJECTED_NOT_ROUTABLE, REJECTED_NO_SPECIFIED_REASON, REJECTED_ACCOUNT_CLOSED, REJECTED_ACCOUNT_INVALID


  • Ignore null transactions : Incoming Crypto transactions with an amount of 0 will now be ignored, to prevent scams & address poisoning


Sandbox : 23/07/2024 - Prod : 23/07/2024

Onboarding / Endusers

  • Phone verified Fix : When phone verification is delegated, verified status now stays at true when phone is changed


  • Balance Sync Fix : Ledger Balances are now correctly synchronized after card refund transactions


  • PIN Status Fix : pinStatus is now correctly update when PIN try counter is exceeded. Use the PIN Try reset endpoint to reset the counter and status.


  • Rejection Reason in note : note field now contains the rejection code in case of a SEPA rejected transaction
  • Partial Reversals Fix : card authorization partial reversal are now handled correctly


  • Send Token : Crypto transactions to a beneficiary address can now be created.
  • GET transaction endpoint : Crytpo transactions can now be fetched individually


  • Sandbox Transaction Simulator : First level of transaction simulator in Sandbox Env. Card transactions and Incoming SCT can now be simulated.


Sandbox : 13/06/2024 - Prod : 19/06/2024

Onboarding / Endusers

  • Automatic relaunch of onboarding flow when enduser is patched, useful when address was incomplete
  • Updated Document limits to 15 per Consumer, 30 per Corporate


  • Beneficiary friendly name : a friendlyName can now be added on beneficairies. This can be used to identify the benficiary with the custom name, whereas name must be the full name of the person or company which is the beneficiary
  • New limit on beneficiary name length to 70 characters.


  • Reference can now accept 60 char : reference field in transaction can now accept up to 60 characters (previously 18)
  • New decline reason EXCEEDS_LIMIT for card transations : When a card authorization is declined due to the card's limits, declineReason will now be EXCEEDS_LIMIT


  • GET and LIST Wallets endpoint : Wallet can now be fetched, diplsaying all the assets (Native and ERC20) currently held. Wallet can also be listed.
  • Incoming crypto transactions : Incoming transactions for any Native or ERC20 tokens are now automatically detected on the available blockchains and intergated in LinkCy API.
  • LIST transaction endpoint : Crypto transactions can now be listed, with several filters available
  • Crypto beneficiaries endpoints : Beneficiaires for outgoing crypto transactions can now be added and listed


  • Switzerland & Monaco added into Iso Country Code Enums (CHE & MCO)


Sandbox : 13/05/2024 - Prod : 23/05/2024

Onboarding / Endusers

  • Corporates : Automatically fill the business address with the registered address if empty
  • Corporates : Change Account Owner Phone
  • Verify a Proof of Address Document : PoA documents can now be verified using the "Verify the address of an end-user" endpoint ("Address verification with uploaded document" method). provided documentId must be PROOF_OF_ADDRESS type If the address is successfully verified, address status will change to VERIFIED
  • SCA_UPDATED webhook type is now sent when SCA enrollment is updated/completed (factor added for instance).


  • Acquiring transaction with a previously stored card. Acquiring transactions can now be done on a previously stored card, by using the externalCardId field. In this case, the transaction is directly executed as a Merchant Initiated Transaction, no page is displayed to the cardholder
  • Check Limits before executing Transactions : Ledger limits are now checked before creating a Sepa or Interledger transaction. If Ledger limits are execeed, API will return 409 - LEDGER_LIMIT_REACHED
  • New Field originalReceiverName in SEPA Received transactions : This field displays the name that the sender used as receiver name. It might differ from the enduser name registered at LinkCy


  • Create Crytpo Wallet endpoint : Crypto Wallet can now be created. 3 blockchains are avalaible : Bitcoin, Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain


Sandbox : 26/04/2024 - Prod : 03/05/2024

Onboarding / Endusers

  • Filter on Email for consumer Listing. Consumers can now be filtered on emails (query param on List Consumer endpoint). Filter is only working on full email, there is no partial search.
  • Consumers Tax Country is now automatically filled with address country when empty
  • SANDBOX : Bypass Corporates Compliance Status : Compliance status can now be bypassed in Sandbox for corporates.


  • Store a card for future payments : External cards used in acquiring transactions can now be stored (storeCard option). It allows partner to use the same card for future payments. No card data are available, everything is stored in a secure way on the acquiring solution


Sandbox : 17/04/2024 - Prod : 22/04/2024

Onboarding / Endusers

  • Delegated KYC Feature : KYC can now be delegated to partners. (Only available for specifi partners)


  • Transaction on Virtual Ledger : SEPA Transactions can now be done from/to a virtual Ledger.