Create and update a beneficiary
Add a beneficiary
Beneficiary can be created using "Add a new beneficiary" endpoint.
It requires at least :
- The beneficiary account holder type :
- The beneficiary account full name
- The enduserId (if authenticated as partner)
- The beneficiary account banking details
"fullName" must be in the format : "First name Last name" or "Company name"
An additional field display
allows the partner to "hide" the beneficiary from the enduser : If the enduser is logged in, he won't see the beneificiary in the beneficiary list.
This can be useful in case of automated money transfer, like subscriptions or fees, where the enduser doesn't need to have this beneficiary in its list.
If you don't use the enduser API authentication, this is not really useful as you can hide/show beneificiaries through your backend.
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | Describe if the beneficiary is a person or a company. Enum: PERSON , COMPANY . |
fullName | string [0 .. 511] characters | Complete name of the person (firstName middleName lastName) or name of the company. |
endUserId | string (uuid) | The id of the end-user, can be a consumer or corporate. Mandatory if not authenticated as end-user. |
bankingDetails | SepaBankingDetails (object) or GbpBankingDetails (object) or UsdBankingDetails (object) (BankingDetails) | The banking details associated with the beneficiary. |
display | boolean | Display (or not) the beneficiary to the end-user (unusable by end-user). |
"type": "PERSON",
"fullName": "John Michael Doe",
"endUserId": "120e9d1f-8444-4b91-85e8-5b208615a3e5",
"bankingDetails": {
"iban": "string",
"bic": "string"
"display": true
Response will contains only the id
of created Beneficiary.
Update a beneficiary
You can update the activatation and display status of your beneficiary. Disactivate will block transfer whereas not display will just take if off the beneficiary list.
Not displaying a beneficiary still allow you to use it to make transfers, for exemple to pay your Partner's fees.
It can be done using the "Patch a Beneficiary" endpoint :
Name | Type | Description |
active | boolean | Activate (or not) the beneficiary. |
display | boolean | Display (or not) the beneficiary to the end-user (unusable by end-user). |
"active": true,
"display": true