Create a virtual card
A virtual card is a card aimed at online transactions.
It has its very own card design, PAN, CVV and Expiration date.
A virtual card should be displayed as an image to the cardholder.
Before being able to create a Virtual card, you must have :
A Valitaded Enduser with a ledger.
The Ledger doesn't need to be upgraded.
This Ledger will be debited at each transaction.A Card Program matching the Enduser type and the Ledger type, and allowing Virtual Cards.
See Card Programs page for more details.
Creating the card
Virtual Cards can be created either by a Partner, or directly by the Enduser himself.
To create a Virtual Card, use the "Create a Card" endpoint and provide the Ledger Id as well as the Card Program.
You could also provide extra informations :
- friendlyName : A custom name you want to give to this card.
DeliveryMethod and nameOnCard are not relevant for Virtual cards
Request Body format :
Name | Type | Description |
ledgerId | string (uuid) | The ledger identifier associated with the card. |
profileId | string (uuid) | The card profile id. Must be an active card profile. |
nameOnCard | string ^[A-Z\s]{1,21}$ Default: FIRSTNAME LASTNAME | The name that will be printed on the card. Can only contain ISO basic Latin alphabet and can be up to 21 characters long including spaces. |
friendlyName | string (0 .. 255) characters | A user-friendly name for the card. |
rules | Array of objects | You can add rules when creating a card. You can only send one rule by type in the list. As a partner, these rules take priority over the rules set in the profile. |
"ledgerId": "a2873d47-59a8-4daf-a325-cb2c04557dd7",
"profileId": "faebe71b-2bf8-4bdb-9b67-258e4d6aa00a",
"friendlyName": "string",
"rules": [
"type": "DAILY_MAX_COUNT",
"value": 1,
"name": "string"
A successful Card creation will return a unique id
"id": "120e9d1f-8444-4b91-85e8-5b208615a3e5",
When created, a Virtual card is activated as soon as created.
Fetch the card
You can now Fetch the card by the id
to get all its information :
Name | Type | Description |
id | string (uuid) | The unique identifier of the card. |
endUserId | string (uuid) | The unique identifier of the end-user. |
ledgerId | string (uuid) | The ledger identifier associated with the card. |
profile | object (Profile) | The profile associated with the card. |
expiryDate | string | The expiration date of the card. |
nameOnCard | string | The name printed on the card. |
friendlyName | string | A user-friendly name for the card. |
deliveryAddress | object (AddressResponseDto) | Address used on the bank statements of your users. |
deliveryMethod | string | The delivery method for the card. Enum: UK_MAIL , INTERNATIONAL_MAIL , DHL , COURIER . |
truncatedPan | string | Last 4 digits of the card. The truncated pan is only displayed if the card has been activated. |
type | string | The type of card. Enum: PHYSICAL , VIRTUAL . |
scheme | string | The card scheme. Enum: MASTERCARD , VISA . |
currency | string | The currency of the card. Enum: EUR , GBP , USD , PLN , AUD , CHF , CAD , SEK , NOK , JPY , HUF , HKD , NZD , CZK , SGD , RON , HRK . |
status | object (CardStatusDto) | The current status of the card. |
creationDate | string (date-time) | The date and time when the card was created. |
updateDate | string (date-time) | The date and time when the card was last updated. |
pinStatus | string | The PIN status of the card. Enum: LOCKED , UNLOCKED , WAITING_ONLINE_TRANSACTION . |
rules | Array of objects | The list of rules associated with the card. |
Card status
Cards can have mutliples status during life cycle :
Card status | Description |
CREATED | The card has been created. |
REACTIVATING | The card is currently reactivating after being suspended (few seconds). |
ACTIVE | The card is active and ready to use. |
SUSPENDING | The card is currently suspending, cannot be used. |
SUSPENDED | The card is suspended and cannot be used. |
CLOSING | The card is currently closing, cannot be used. |
CLOSED | The card is permanently closed. |
FAILED | The card creation failed, please check your payload or contact customer care. |
INTERNAL_ERROR | Not your fault, please contact customer care or check our status page. |
EXPIRED | The card is expired, you can renew it. |
You can close / suspend a card for multiple reasons :
Status reason | Description |
STOLEN | The card is closed/suspended because it has been stolen. |
LOST | The card is closed/suspended because it has been lost. |
DAMAGED | The card is closed/suspended because it has been damaged. |
OTHER | Any other reason; you need to add an otherStatusReason . |
The operator is the one which has decided to close / suspend the card. It can be you as a Partner, an Enduser request or us.