Last updated

Transaction overview

Transactions represents money movements from, to or between Ledgers.

Transactions can be triggered from the API, by a Card usage, or by an external system.

Transaction types

LinkCy provide the following transaction methods :

Inter-ledger money transfers

Instant Transfer of Money between ledgers of LinkCy's system.

Credit Transfers

Money transfer between accounts, initiated by the sender, and using one of the National/International Schemes.

Credit Transfers can be Outgoing (Money is sent to an external account) or Incoming (Money is received from an external account).

Direct Debit

Money transfer initated by the receiver to debit the account of the debtor. Direct Debit can be Outgoing (Money is debited from an external account) or Incoming (Money is debited by an external account).

Card transactions

Transaction initiated through a Card. This includes 2 steps : Authorization and Clearing.

Learn More about Card Transactions

Card transactions are executed in two steps. First one correspond to the Authorization. Second one is the clearing.

They are two "transactionId" for a unique card transaction.

List transactions

Transactions can be listed using the "List transactions" Endpoint.

This endpoint will provide a list of transaction, based on the criteria provided in the Query :

  • All transaction
  • Transaction of an Enduser
  • Transaction of a Ledger
  • Transaction of a Card
  • Transaction of a precise type. This can be mixed with the above criteria
  • Transaction from a specific start date and/or until a specific end date

You can also decide to hide or show "released" transaction (meaning card-authorization that have been released) :

Use showReleasedTransaction parameter (default : false meaning hidden "released" transaction).

Declined transaction (all types) can also be hidden of shown :

Use showDeclinedTransaction parameter (default : true meaning showing "declined" transaction).