Last updated

Partner overview

A Partner is a LinkCy customer and is managing the relation with endusers.

As a Partner, you have access, through API, to your information and can modify some of them.

Partner information

You can retrieve your information using the "Get your information" endpoint.

nameTechnical Partner name
displayNameName display on documents
logoUrlUrl that provides the logo
addressAdress used on the documents of your users
otpMessageMessage displayed when requesting a OTP message
contactInformationindicate email addresses that will be used by LinkCy for communication

Partner Name and Display Name

partnerName is your "technical" Partner name, used for API calls when required and for identification. This is set by LinkCy when partner is created and can't be updated.

displayName is your Partner Name but formated to be displayed : it will be displayed on documents.


address is your registered Address and is mainly used to be displayed on statements or account details.

It can also be used to send you printed documents or other kind of mails (like undistributed cards).

Please always verify that you entered a valid address.

Logo URL

logoUrl is the url of your logo image : it will use to display your logo on documents (Ledger Details or Statement)


otpMessage is the content of the SMS sent when a Enduser initiale a password. This message includes a "secret", which is required to initialize the password.

This secret has to be included in the message with $otp variable. This variable will be replaced by the actual secret when SMS is sent.

For exemple : "The secret to change your password is: $otp . If you are not at the origin of this message, you can ignore it."

It can also includes URL (Web url or App links).

Please modify with care to avoid any Enduser bad experience (Not receiving the secret will prevent Enduser to login to the application).

If you want to setup App Links, please contact your LinkCy Customer Care to ensure everything is in place.

If you have any doubt, please contact your LinkCy Customer Care.

Contact information

contactInformation is used to indicate email addresses that will be used by LinkCy for communication, depending on the category (billing, commercial, tech or administrative)

Partner Update

As a Partner, you can update some of you informations, using the "Update your information" endpoint.

Example Request Body

  "address": {
    "isoCountryCode": "BEL",
    "city": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "street": "string",
    "number": "string",
    "refinement": "string",
    "stateOrProvince": "string"
  "otpMessage": "string",
  "displayName": "string",
  "logoUrl": "string",
  "contactInformation": {
    "adminEmail": "string",
    "billingEmail": "string",
    "commercialEmail": "string",
    "techEmail": "string"