Last updated

Create a ledger


Before creating a Ledger, you must have an active Enduser (Consumer or Corporate), with KYC/KYB in a validated status.


Create the Ledger with the "Create a Ledger" endpoint. Ledger will be owned by the End User identified in endUserId. If an End User is authenticated, endUserId will be automatically his own id.

Currency and Country of the Ledger will be defined according to the type. You can give to the ledger a friendlyName which is a custom name or a reference.

endUserIdstring (uuid)The id of the end-user, can be a consumer or corporate. Mandatory if not authenticated as end-user.
typestringThe type of ledger.
friendlyNamestring [0 .. 255] charactersA user-friendly name for the ledger. Friendly name must be unique for each enduser.
autoUpgradebooleanIf true, this ledger will be automatically upgraded once activated.
  "endUserId": "120e9d1f-8444-4b91-85e8-5b208615a3e5",
  "type": "EUR_LITHUANIA",
  "friendlyName": "string",
  "autoUpgrade": true

Response will contains the id of the created Ledger.

The Ledger which have been created has a parameter isUpgraded set to false. This means that it can only be used for inter-ledger transactions.

To enable banking features such as Send Money to a Beneficary or Receive Money, you have to Upgrade this Ledger.

You also have the possibility to auto-upgrade the ledger upon its creation. To do so, set the autoUpgrade parameter to truewhen creating the Ledger.


Ledger can have transaction limits, set during creation or updated later on. More details coming soon.


To upgrade a Ledger and enable Account number (IBAN) availability, use the "Upgrade a ledger" Endpoint.

This activate the banking transactions features (isUpgraded: true): see Ledger Overview for details.

Then, IBAN or Account Number will now be displayed in the Ledger informations :

  "enduserId": "9ab4bbb7-d151-4ce7-92cf-6afee623c3c6",
  "friendlyName": "My Ledger",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "country": "LITHUANIA",
  "amount": 0,
  "currentAmount": 0,
  "reservedAmount": 0,
  "creationDate": "2022-01-01T12:35:59.071203",
  "updateDate": "2022-01-01T12:45:34.520988",
  "isUpgraded": "true",
  "iban": "LT32398093123456789",
  "bicOrSwift": "UAPALT22"


A Ledger can be updated. The possible updates are :

  • friendlyName.
  • limits