Last updated


You have the possibility to upload Documents related to Endusers.

This can be part of a regular process (KYC, KYB) or requested by LinkCy for specific endusers.

You can also List and Download documents afterwards.

LinkCy is not a document cloud storage service, this has to be used only for KYC/KYB and compliance, not for miscellaneous document hosting

EndUsers, when connected directly, can only upload. List and Download won't be available.

Uploading a document

To upload document, use the "Upload a document" endpoint. A document is always linked to a Enduser.

You have to specify a type (within the type list), a endUserId (except if enduser connected directly) and a file.

You can also specify a friendlyName.

As this endpoint expects binary data (for file), its content-type is multipart/form-data, which is different from other endpoint.

In response, you will receive the id of uploaded document.

For performance and safety reasons, there is a limit to the number of document you can upload per enduser.

List and Downloads

The "List documents" endpoint allows you to List all the documents attached to an enduser.

You can filter by type if needed.

This endpoint doesn't allows you to download documents.

To do so, you have to use the "Get a document" endpoint, using the id of the document you want to download.

This endpoint will return document information, as well as the url to be used to download the file. This url will only be valid for a certain amount of time (ttl).

Document Requests

Description Coming soon ...