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Card profile


To create cards, you first need to set up your card profiles.

Card profiles defines how the associated cards will be created and look like.

It combines a card design and several options, like default rules.

Card designs

Card designs are created by Linkcy, when you submit a design request and once it has been approved.

Afterwards, new card designs will be available in the card desgin List, accessible with the "List card desgins" endpoint

idstring (uuid)The unique identifier of the card.
friendlyNamestringA user-friendly name for the card.
schemestringThe card scheme.
ledgerTypestringThe ledger type associated with the card.
cardTypestringThe type of card.
userTypestringThe type of user associated with the card.
availableCountriesArray of strings (Iso3 Country Code)The countries where the card can be used.
Items Enum: ABW, AFG, AGO, AIA, ALA, ALB, AND, ARE … 241 more.

Card design defines how the card will be created :

  • Scheme (Visa / Mastercard)
  • Card Type : Physical / Virtual

but card design will also defines conditions that have to be respected :

  • cardholder type : Consumer / Corporate
  • Ledger type
  • availbale countries

The card design also embeds the visual of the card, which is mostly relevant for Physical Cards.

Those cards will be printed with the defined visual.

Create a card profile

You can create card profiles, using the "Create a card profile" endpoint.

You will be able to choose a cardDesignId, and associate the different default parameters you want for the cards.

Several profiles can have the same card design.

All the cards created with a Profile will have the cardDesign visual, scheme and type, and will inheritate the default parameters.

Cards can be created with a Profile only if the Profile is compatible : userType and ledgerType have to match the actual user and ledger.

You won't be able to create a card belonging to a Corporate if the Profile includes a desgin for Consumers (userType). Same logic for Ledger Types.

If you want to create cards for Consumer and Corporate, you will need to have at least 2 card Profiles (and 2 underlying cardDesgins)

Card profiles Rules

You can now add default rules to this cardProfile : this means that all the cards created with this card profile will have these default rules applied straight upon creation.

To add (or remove) default rules to a profile, use the following endpoints :

  • Create a default card profile rule
  • Remove default card profile rule

This works the same way as Rules for cards. Please check the card rules page for more information about Rules creation.

This is not retroactive : if you add a rule to a profile, this rule will NOT be added on already existing cards. This applies only on newly created cards.