Card profile
To create cards, you first need to set up your card profiles.
Card profiles defines how the associated cards will be created and look like.
It combines a card design and several options, like default rules.
Card designs
Card designs are created by Linkcy, when you submit a design request and once it has been approved.
Afterwards, new card designs will be available in the card desgin List, accessible with the "List card desgins" endpoint
Name | Type | Description |
id | string (uuid) | The unique identifier of the card. |
friendlyName | string | A user-friendly name for the card. |
scheme | string | The card scheme. Enum: MASTERCARD , VISA . |
ledgerType | string | The ledger type associated with the card. Enum: EUR_BELGIUM , EUR_LITHUANIA , EUR_FRANCE , USD_USA , GBP_GREAT_BRITAIN . |
cardType | string | The type of card. Enum: PHYSICAL , VIRTUAL . |
userType | string | The type of user associated with the card. Enum: CORPORATE , CONSUMER . |
availableCountries | Array of strings (Iso3 Country Code) | The countries where the card can be used. Items Enum: ABW , AFG , AGO , AIA , ALA , ALB , AND , ARE … 241 more. |
Card design defines how the card will be created :
- Scheme (Visa / Mastercard)
- Card Type : Physical / Virtual
but card design will also defines conditions that have to be respected :
- cardholder type : Consumer / Corporate
- Ledger type
- availbale countries
The card design also embeds the visual of the card, which is mostly relevant for Physical Cards.
Those cards will be printed with the defined visual.
Create a card profile
You can create card profiles, using the "Create a card profile" endpoint.
You will be able to choose a cardDesignId
, and associate the different default parameters you want for the cards.
Several profiles can have the same card design.
All the cards created with a Profile will have the cardDesign visual, scheme and type, and will inheritate the default parameters.
Cards can be created with a Profile only if the Profile is compatible : userType and ledgerType have to match the actual user and ledger.
You won't be able to create a card belonging to a Corporate if the Profile includes a desgin for Consumers (userType
). Same logic for Ledger Types.
If you want to create cards for Consumer and Corporate, you will need to have at least 2 card Profiles (and 2 underlying cardDesgins)
Card profiles Rules
You can now add default rules to this cardProfile : this means that all the cards created with this card profile will have these default rules applied straight upon creation.
To add (or remove) default rules to a profile, use the following endpoints :
- Create a default card profile rule
- Remove default card profile rule
This works the same way as Rules for cards. Please check the card rules page for more information about Rules creation.
This is not retroactive : if you add a rule to a profile, this rule will NOT be added on already existing cards. This applies only on newly created cards.