Last updated


The SDK provides a set of screens for capturing identity documents, face photos, profile data, and for performing the liveness check. After capturing the data, the SDK uploads it to the IDscan server.

To use the SDK, you will have to GET multiple information depending of your Enduser. To do so, you can use this endpoint :


idstring (uuid)The identifier of the KYC application created. When making a request with the KYC SDK, you will need to add this ID in the externalId payload field (in metadata).
tokenstringThe KYC SDK JWT that you will need to use to authorize your request with the KYC SDK.
kycApiUrlstringThe base URL you will need to use to create your request with the KYC SDK.
flowNamestringThe KYC flow name you will need to use to create your request with the KYC SDK.
Default: PT24H
The KYC SDK token time-to-live duration in ISO 8601 format.
  "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
  "token": "string",
  "kycApiUrl": "string",
  "flowName": "string",
  "ttl": "string"


idstring (uuid)The identifier of the created KYC application.
urlstringKYC validation URL.
Default: PT720H
The KYC link time-to-live duration in ISO 8601 format.
  "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
  "url": "string",
  "ttl": "string"

1. iOS Integration

iOS SDK Integration DocumentationClick here
iOS SDK Flutter Integration DocumentationClick here
iOS SDK React Native DocumentationClick here
iOS SDK Ionic DocumentationClick here

2. Android Integration

Android SDK Integration DocumentationClick here
Android SDK Flutter Integration DocumentationClick here
Android SDK React Native DocumentationClick here
Android SDK Ionic DocumentationClick here

3. Web Integration

This SDK provides a configurable widget that will allow your users to capture their personal data and/or face/id documents photos in order to verify their identity.

You can integrate a verification flow inside your website or personal area. A user will not be redirected from your website.

SDK IntegrationClick here

SDK in an iframe :

You can provide us the whitelist of allowed domains, wildcards are supported. IDscan will only allow redirects or embed for domains in this list.

You will be also able to generate a one time SDK verification link generated generic or enriched. Contact us for this option.

Example of iframe :

<iframe src="generated url"
  allow="camera; microphone">