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Transaction types

Here are the different transaction types and the associated payload.

For card transactions, direction of transactions are in a specific field in the payload. For others, direction of transactions are deducted from receiver and sender object.


INTER_LEDGER transaction types are money transfers between to Ledgers existing in LinkCy system.

For an INTER_LEDGER transaction, paymentType is always MONEY_TRANSFER

Inter-ledger transaction example :

"id": "329f0206-658e-494f-935b-4cf013810cab",
"type": "INTER_LEDGER",
"paymentType": "MONEY_TRANSFER",
"status": "APPROVED",
"creationDate": "2022-08-01T13:56:46.624667",
"amount": 500,
"currency": "EUR",
"information": {
    "clearingDate": "2022-08-01T13:56:46.624667",
    "originalAmount": 500,
    "originalCurrency": "EUR",
    "conversionRate": "1"
"sender": {
    "enduserId": "3882759a-9e13-4b96-8114-9a4bb017bbe8",
    "enduserName": "mathieu bottausci",
    "ledgerId": "fddf584c-82b5-46ab-921c-0b805b44454c",
    "ledgerFriendlyName" : "My Ledger"
"receiver": {
    "enduserId": "7e696c1b-5693-4934-83d5-55af9acecdac",
    "enduserName": "romaric bouxin",
    "ledgerId": "d51d4bde-7b2a-43ac-94ec-7eab3843ab9d",
    "ledgerFriendlyName" : "My Other Ledger"

SEPA Credit Transfer

SEPA_CREDIT_TRANSFER transaction types (SCT) are credit transfer transaction, using the SEPA rails.

The paymentType details this transaction :

SCT_SENDOutgoing transaction (sent to a beneficiary), not instant: Credit transfer takes a few days.
SCT_INSTANT_SENDOutgoing transaction (sent to a beneficiary), using SEPA instant: Credit transfer is done within 10 seconds.
SCT_RECEIVEIncoming transaction (received from an external account), not instant.
SCT_INSTANT_RECEIVEIncoming transaction (received from an external account), using SEPA instant: Credit transfer is done within 10 seconds.

Card Authorization and Card Clearing

Card transactions involve 2 different transaction types as it is done in 2 steps. Here is a summary of both types.

More explanations are available on the dedicated page : Learn More about Card Transactions

  • CARD_AUTHORIZATION transaction type refers to the Authorization flow : Money is only "reserved, but not debited (or credited) from (to) the Ledger. In case of a debit authorization : reservedAmount and availableAmount balance fields will be impacted.
    In case of a credit authorization, no reservation is made, reservedAmount and availableAmount are not impacted and money is credited once the Clearing transaction is received

  • CARD_CLEARING transaction types refers to the Clearing flow (which follow the Authrozaiton flow). This is the "financial" flow, where money is effectively debited (or credited) from (to) the Ledger, and is not reserved anymore. Thus, all the balance fields are impacted.

The paymentType provides context to these transactions. :

ACCOUNT_VERIFICATIONNoneA transaction with zero as an amount, used by merchants to verify that the card and account are working.
ADJUSTMENT_CREDITCreditAdjustment of a previous transaction. New credit in addition to the amount that was originally credited.
ADJUSTMENT_DEBITDebitAdjustment of a previous transaction. New debit in addition to the amount that was originally debited.
CASH_ADVANCEDebitCash advance borrows a certain amount of money against your credit card’s line of credit, in exchange for cash.
CHECK_DEPOSITCreditDeposit of a check, credited to the card.
DEPOSITCreditDeposit, credited to the card.
FEE_COLLECTIONDebitCollection of fees related to the card.
ORIGINAL_CREDITCreditCredit on card.
PAYMENT_TRANSACTIONCreditA payment transaction is a transfer of funds to an account via the interchange system. It is not a credit that reverses a previous purchase transaction.
PURCHASEDebitRegular purchase made with the card.
PURCHASE_RETURN_OR_REFUNDCreditRefund of a previous purchase.
PURCHASE_WITH_CASHBACKDebitPurchase with additional cashout in store.
QUASI_CASHDebitQuasi cash transactions represent the purchase of foreign currencies or items (including, but not limited to, casino chips, cryptocurrencies, money orders, lottery tickets, and travellers cheques) which may be convertible to cash.
WITHDRAWALDebitWithdrawal at ATM.

Check for the Card Transaction Details page for examples : Card Transaction - Details