Limits and rules
You can limit cards spending by applying Card Rules on cards.
Limit can concern :
- the total amount spend over a period (card max spend)
- the usage count over a period (card max count)
Period can be :
- Day (00:00 to 23:59 UTC)
- Week (Monday 00:00 to Sunday 23:59 UTC)
- Month (first day of month 00:00 to last day of month 23:59 UTC)
- Card Lifetime (since the card was created)
You can also limit the amount per transaction
Once a limit has been reached, card authorizations will be declined with Delcine Reason Code 51
Card Clearing transaction are not concerned by Rules & Limits, as they are linked to a previous approved Card Authorization (for which rules were already verified).
Apply Rules on a card
A Card Rule consists on 3 fields :
: Type of card rule (max spend or max count) and period. Use one of the following values :
: The value for the maximum cumulated spending or the maximum count, over the period. This depends on the selected type
: You can give a name to your card Rules
You can Add these Card Rules on a card :
- When creating a Card, using the
There, you can add several rules at once, as this is an array ofrules
"rules": [
"name": "My monthly limit",
"value": "1000"
- With the "Update a rule" endpoint.
Here, you can add/update rules one by one.
If ruletype
is already used by one a the card's rule, this rule will be updated. If none of the card's rules already have thistype
, a new rule will be added.
Remove Rules on a card
Rules can be removed from a card with the "Removed card rule" endpoint.
Just input the cardId
and ruleType
(path parameters), and the corresponding rule will be removed from the card.
Reading Card Rules and Counters.
Once applied on cards, effective Card Rules can then be seen on the card details.
Card object lists all the card Rules applied, in the rules
array, as well as who applied it (creator
) for each rule.
A counter
field is also present for each rule, indicating the amount/count already approved related to this Rule.
When a transaction implies that counter
exceeds value
for a Rule, transaction will be declined.
Counters are reset when Rule period is over.
"rules": [
"type": "DAILY_MAX_COUNT",
"name": "Daily rule name",
"creator": "END_USER",
"value": 10
"counter": 3
"name": "Monthly rule name",
"creator": "PARTNER",
"value": 1000
"counter": 285
Rules for Card Profiles
You can also apply Card Rules on Card Profiles.
This means that every card created based on the Card Profile will have these Card Rules applied.
Check the card profiles page
Card Rules policy
Card Rules created by Enduser can't be less restrictives than Card Rules of Card Profile (if any)
A Partner can override Rules of Card Profile and be less restrictive.
If a Rule is removed from a Card, Rules of Card Profile will automatically be applied (if any)