Last updated

Corporate creation as partner

Corporate can be created either by a Partner, or directly by the Enduser himself.

Here is the guide to create a corporate as a Partner.

As a Partner

We will request you to provide information required to initiate a Know Your Business (KYB) procedure.

Other details will be recovered during the KYB procedure.

Required steps are :

  1. Terms & conditions
  2. Create the Corporate
  3. Verify the Account Owner email
  4. Declare Corporate Related (Physical Persons & Companies)
  5. Verify Due Diligence
  6. Request your KYB verification
  7. Start KYC procedures for Related Physical Person
  8. (Optionnal) Verify Account Owner's phone

Corporate has to accept the Terms & Conditions before being able to use any financial service.

Corporate and Corporate relatedPartnerLinkcyKYC ServiceT&CsCorporate CreationAccount Owner email verificationDeclare corporate-relatedopt[if UBO or Director]loop[For each Corporate related]KYB verificationGet T&CsT&Cs LinkShow T&CsAgree T&CsCreate CorporatecorporateID, accountOwnerIdVerify Account Owner emailemail with verification linkemail verifiedCreate a corporate-related entitycorporateRelatedIdCreate a KYC for a corporate-relatedKYC LinkKYC LinkPerform KYCKYC Result(webhook) CORPORATE_RELATED_KYC_VALIDATEDGet diligence reviewDiligence review (pdf)Verify diligence reviewAsk KYB verificationVerify KYB(webhook) CORPORATE_KYB_VALIDATEDCorporate and Corporate relatedPartnerLinkcyKYC Service

1. Terms & Conditions

As a Partner, you have to display the Terms & Conditions and have them accepted. Accepting last Terms & Conditions is mandatory to enable the banking features.

To do this, you can download TCs directly from our APIs, so you will always get the last version! By default, language is English, but if you need a specific language, feel free to ask your customer care!

Terms & Condtions Guide page

You will need to use this Endpoint every time we update our TCs. Once TCs are updated, field termsAccepted of the Corporate object will change into false state. Then, you will have to PATCH your Corporate once new T&Cs are accepted.

2. Corporate Creation

About the company

To create a Corporate, use the "Create a Corporate" Endpoint. You need to provide :

  • Company name;
  • Incorporation code and country;
  • Industry;
  • Registration address & Business address (if different);
  • Expected Business Volume;

Optionnaly, more information can be provided, as the tradeName, incorporationDate, legaltype, website, employeesRange.

At last, you should indicate the acceptance of T&Cs by indicating the version. This can be done at a later stage, by updating the Corporate, but it is recommended to have it done right away so it won't be a blocking point to use financial service later.

Other information will be checked and filled by our KYB team.

About the Account Owner

The Account Owner is the one who has the right to subscribe to Financial Services. Usually, a Director. But it can also be an employee with a Power of Attorney (PoA).

When creating the corporate, you need to provide the following information about the Account Owner :

  • First Name, Last Name;
  • Position on the company
  • Email Address

Concerning the position on the company, we need to know if the Account Owner is a Director. We also need to know if he owns shares. If shares are owned directly, please specify it on the fiels : directSharesPercentage.

If shares are owned indirectly, please do no add anything now, you will be able to patch your Account Owner after adding other layers during the KYB process with Endpoints related to Corporate related Entity.

Optionnaly, more information can be provided, as Account Owner address, phone and nationality.

Phone County Code has to be entered correctly, otherwise SMS won't be received as expected. For the country code, you can use the "+" or not, we will add it on our side, both format are valid.

List of available countryCode :

    "1", "1242", "1246", "1264", "1268", "1284", "1340", "1345", "1441", "1473", "1649", "1664", "1670", "1671", "1684", "1721", "1758", "1767", "1784", "1787", "1809", "1829", "1849", "1868", "1869", "1876", "1939", "20", "211", "212", "213", "216", "218", "220", "221", "222", "223", "224", "225", "226", "227", "228", "229", "230", "231", "232", "233", "234", "235", "236", "237", "238", "239", "240", "241", "242", "243", "244", "245", "246", "248", "249", "250", "251", "252", "253", "254", "255", "256", "257", "258", "260", "261", "262", "263", "264", "265", "266", "267", "268", "269", "27", "290", "291", "297", "298", "299", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "350", "351", "352", "353", "354", "355", "356", "357", "358", "359", "36", "370", "371", "372", "373", "374", "375", "376", "377", "378", "379", "380", "381", "382", "383", "385", "386", "387", "389", "39", "40", "41", "420", "421", "423", "43", "44", "441481", "441534", "441624", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "500", "501", "502", "503", "504", "505", "506", "507", "508", "509", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "590", "591", "592", "593", "595", "597", "598", "599", "60", "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "670", "672", "673", "674", "675", "676", "677", "678", "679", "680", "681", "682", "683", "685", "686", "687", "688", "689", "690", "691", "692", "7", "81", "82", "84", "850", "852", "853", "855", "856", "86", "880", "886", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "960", "961", "962", "963", "964", "965", "966", "967", "968", "970", "971", "972", "973", "974", "975", "976", "977", "98", "992", "993", "994", "995", "996", "998"
partnerNamestringThe partnerName, mandatory if you create a corporate as anonymous. Ignored if requesting as a partner.
externalIdstring [0 .. 511] charactersA unique identifier that you can use to link this corporate to a user in your system.
corporateNamerequired, string [0 .. 255] charactersThe official corporate name.
tradeNamestring [0 .. 255] charactersThe name used for business if there is one.
incorporationCountrystring (ISO3 Country Code)The country where the corporate has been registered in ISO3 format.
Enum: ABW, AFG, AGO, AIA, ALA … 244 more.
incorporationCodestring [0 .. 255] charactersThe official incorporation code assigned in the country.
incorporationDatestring (date)The date the corporate was officially registered.
legalTypeCorporateApiLegalTypeA legal type object specific to the country.
Enum: AustriaLegalType, BosniaHerzegovinaLegalType, BelgiumLegalType, etc.
websitestring [0 .. 511] charactersThe corporate's website.
industrystringThe industry in which the corporate operates.
registeredAddressobject (AddressRequestDto)The registered address of the corporate.
businessAddressobject (AddressRequestDto)The business address of the corporate.
expectedMonthlyExpensesobject (ExpectedMonthlyExpensesDto)Expected monthly expenses of the corporate.
employeesRangestringRange of the number of employees working for the corporate.
Enum: "BTW_1_AND_10", "BTW_11_AND_50", "MORE_THAN_50".
lastTermsAcceptedstringThe version of the terms and conditions signed by the corporate account owner.
accountOwnerInfoobject (AccountOwnerInfo)Information of the person who will manage this corporate end-user account.
metadataobject (JsonNode)A custom field to save data, limited to 3000 characters.

Exemple request body

  "partnerName": "string",
  "externalId": "string",
  "corporateName": "string",
  "tradeName": "string",
  "incorporationCountry": "FRA",
  "incorporationCode": "12345678900013",
  "incorporationDate": "2019-08-24",
  "legalType": {
    "austriaValue": "AT_AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT_AG"
  "website": "string",
  "industry": "CHILD_ADOPTION",
  "registeredAddress": {
    "isoCountryCode": "BEL",
    "city": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "street": "string",
    "number": "string",
    "refinement": "string",
    "stateOrProvince": "string"
  "businessAddress": {
    "isoCountryCode": "BEL",
    "city": "string",
    "postalCode": "string",
    "street": "string",
    "number": "string",
    "refinement": "string",
    "stateOrProvince": "string"
  "expectedMonthlyExpenses": {
    "value": "LESS_THAN_10_000",
    "currency": "EUR"
  "employeesRange": "BTW_1_AND_10",
  "lastTermsAccepted": "1.0",
  "accountOwnerInfo": {
    "firstName": "string",
    "lastName": "string",
    "isDirector": true,
    "directorAppointmentDate": "2019-08-24",
    "directSharesPercentage": 100,
    "address": {},
    "nationality": "ABW",
    "emailAddress": "string",
    "phone": {}
  "metadata": { }


Response will contains the id of the Corporate which is used to identify this particular Corporate in subsequent API calls and the id of the Account Owner which is now considered as a Corporate Related Entity. You can fetch info with Endpoint Get corporate-related entity's information

  "corporateId": "50eb73c4-9d2f-4e30-9f0c-2d57c30a46ee",
  "accountOwnerId": "41bfc29a-63f5-4057-9938-10cfd5e1771b"

3. Verify the Account Owner email

The Account Owner must validate his email address. To do this, you can use the Endpoint : "Send an email verification link by email".

When you trigger this Endpoint, a clickable link will be sent to you Enduser. You can use your sender domain or template if necessary. To see customizable options, please check [Here] (./customization.mdx).

You can patch the email address of your Account Owner by using "Update a Corporate Related" Endpoint.

The email contains a clickable verification link

Once validated, the email.verfied field of the Account Owner (Corporate Related entity) will be updated to true.

For the KYB to be requested and verified, you have to declare all the corporate-related which are UBOs or Directors. You can declare other corporate-related, even if not mandatory.
To learn more about corporate-related declaration, please check the Corporate-related creation page in the KYB section

5. Verify Due Diligence

With the Endpoint "Get diligence review of a corporate", you can get a summary of the Corporate KYB including company and Corporate Related Entities information. This is retruned as HTML page, which you can display in any browser.

6. Request your KYB verification

Once the Corporate & Corporate-Related entities are registered, you will be able to ask the Compliance Team to make a review. To do so, use the Endpoint "Ask a KYB verification". Then, the status of the KYB request will be available when fetching the Corporate Entity. Please find more details [Here] (./corporate-request-kyb.mdx).

You can request the KYB verification before having the corporate-related KYCs done, but the KYB can't be Validated as long as all the requested KYCs are not validated.

KYC is required for all UBOs and directors. At least one director have to perform a Full KYC (including Liveness checks), the other one only have to complete a doc-only KYC (no liveness).
You can find the KYC procedure [Here] (./kyc-procedure.mdx).

Full KYC process take less than a minute and verification process can be between 2 and 3 minutes.

  • Get Link and send it to the Corporate Related Person.

  • Wait for Corporate Related KYC to be validated

Check the KYC procedure for corporate related for more details.

Once all requested KYCs are validated, the final status of the KYB wil be VALIDATED, then you will be able to use financial services.

8. (Optionnal) Verify Account Owner's phone

You can use LinkCy to verify Corporates Related phone number. You can start the verification process using the API, the Corporate Related will receive an OTP sent to his phone number.

To trigger the sending of the OTP, use the "Send phone verification code by sms" Endpoint. If the phone number is correct, the Enduser will receive a SMS text message containing an OTP.

If the phone number is incorrect, you can patch it.

Then, this OTP has to be send back to the API with the "Verify phone verification code" request.

Once done, phone.verified field of the Corporate Related will be set to true.

In Sandbox

No SMS is sent, and OTP is always 123456