Partner API authentication
Partner receives credentials from LinkCy when you open a Sandbox account. This credentials are only available for sandbox. Other credentials will be displayed before going live.
Log In
Once credentials have been received, partner can login using the "Log into the application" endpoint.
Following information have to be provided :
Request | Type |
userName | string (required) |
partnerName | string (required) |
password | string (required) |
If login is OK, Response from API cointains : "token" (the JWT) and a "refreshToken"
Response | Type |
token | string (required) |
refreshToken | string (required) |
endUserId | string uuid (If you are logging in as consumer or corporate, return the end-user ID.) |
Partner can then use this JWT token for the other API requests.
If you do not include your bearer token when you perform API request or you include an invalid token, LinkCy will respond with a 401 - Unauthorized HTTP error.
JWT token has to be send in the Header as an "Authorization bearer" as below :
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_HERE>
Refresh Authentication Token.
The JWT Token expires after a defined time since creation. By decoding the JWT you will know the time remaining for the token validity
Once it is expired, partner has to use the "refresh login token" and provide the refreshToken which was received along the previous JWT token.
The API will respond with a new JWT token to use from now on to be authenticated.
Request | Type |
refreshToken | string (required) |
The API will respond with a new JWT token to use from now on to be authenticated.
Response | Type |
token | string (required) |
refreshToken | string (required) |
endUserId | string uuid (If you are logging in as consumer or corporate, return the end-user ID.) |
Otherwise, partner can still Log In again to get a new JWT Token.