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Get & Display PIN value

Retrivieng PIN is only applicable to Physical Cards. Virtual Cards don't have any PIN.

Card must be active to access the PIN code.

PIN is a sensitive data. Never store PINs on your side and handle this data along with security measures.

PIN is generated randomly during Physical card creation. PIN choice is not available yet. It is stored securly, and must not be stored on Partner or Enduser side for security reasons.

Once the Enduser has received his physical card, "Get a physical card's PIN" endpoint" allows to retrieve the PIN value.

This can be displayed to the Enduser, so he can proceed with Chip-an-PIN payment transactions in stores.

Displaying the PIN has to be done with precautions :

  • A Strong Customer Auhtentication (SCA) has to be performed before displaying the PIN.
  • PIN should be displayed only for a limited time (30 seconds for instance), before being masked.
  • PIN has to be requested on LinkCy's API each time it has to be displayed. Never store the PIN.

GET /api/partner/cards/{cardId}/pin

Response contains the 4-digit PIN :

    "pin": "1234"

Reset PIN attempts

PIN has a Try Counter set to 3. It means that after 3 wrong PIN entered by the Cardholder, the PIN will be locked, and Chip-and-PIN transactions becomes unavailble.

When PIN is locked, pinStatus field in Card deatils will indicate LOCKED.

To enable the PIN again, you have to Reset the PIN Try Counter by requesting the "Reset physical card's PIN attempts" endpoint.

When enabled again through API, pinStatus will change to WAINTING_ONLINE_TRANSACTION.

Indeed, to have the PIN reset, Card must perform an "Online" contact transaction so the Card receives the Unblock PIN command from the server.

This could be achieved on every ATMs or some of the PoS (Not all PoS are compatible with this kind of command).

Once a chip-and-pin transaction is Approved, PIN is considered Unlocked and pinStatus will change to UNLOCKED.

Even after reseting the PIN through API, Cardholder might have to use his card on an ATM to unblock the PIN.

There is no possibility to check the current PIN Try Counter from the card.