Last updated

Request KYC for a corporate related person

What is a Know Your Customer (KYC) ?

KYC is mandatory for all UBOs and directors. At least one director have to perform a Full KYC (including Selfie & Liveness checks), the other one only have to complete a doc-only KYC (no Selfie & liveness)

How to request a KYC ?

There are two ways to integrate LinkCy's KYC. You can request a clickable link which will bring you on internet, then you can use a QR code to do it on mobile. Or you can request the necessary body to run the SDK.

SDKs are available into the librairy.

relatedPhysicalPersonIdrequired, string (uuid)Id of the corporate-related person doing the KYC.
kycConfigurationrequired, objectConfigure the access type of the KYC.

Exemple request body

  "relatedPhysicalPersonId": "98865d56-672d-4bf3-9cc6-4e7817f586fb",
  "kycConfiguration": {
    "accessType": "LINK",
    "urlOnComplete": "",
    "urlOnFailure": ""

For corporate-related persons KYC, you have to provide a relatedPhysicalPersonId

In the case you request a KYC link, you can set up a success and a failure URL.

KYC process

Once the KYC verification has started (by clicking the LINK or using the SDK), it is pretty self-explanatory in the interface :

  • Enduser will have to take a picture of one of its ID document.
  • Then, most of the time, he will have to record liveness videos. Instructions are directly in the KYC interface.

The language of the interface can be changed directly in the tool. If you feel that a language is missing, please contact us.

KYC's Status

You have few status available for the KYC. The status is available on the Enduser information.

KYC StatusDescription
NOT_STARTEDAvailable when you have not requested yet a KYC link or SDK access
CREATEDAvailable when a link or a SDK access have been requested
PROCESSINGKYC is completed, IA and the team are working on it to have it validated
PENDING_REVIEWUnfortunately, we need to proceed to a review
ABORTEDThe Enduser has not finished the KYC procedure, you can generate a new link / access
VALIDATEDPerfect, KYC is validated
DECLINEDUnfortunately, your Consumer does not match the requirements
NOT_REQUIREDKYC is not required for this Enduser

KYC Application

Each KYC performed by a corporate-related will create a kycApplication.

You can list all the kycApplication related to a corporate-related with the "List KYC applications" endpoint.

Once a kycApplication status (kycStatus) is set to VALIDATED, all the information are carried over to the corporate-related entity and its own kyc status is set to VALIDATED.

You can find the last kycApplication of a corporate-related on the corporate-related entity : field kycApplicationId